maynardsong wrote in wtf_sexism Dec 28, 2010 14:53
misogyny, casual sexism, asshats, gender, fucking bullshit, sexism, internalized sexism, it's satire but it isn't, please be satire, nutjobs, relationships, social conditioning, is this for real?, wtf?, men's rights, redonkulous, stereotypes, mainstream thinking, creepy as fuck, double standards, men and feminism, wtf sexism, bitterness, gender roles, bitches be crazy, sit down and shut up, dating, sexist against men, sexism irl, real men (tm), love, internet, wtfery x 1000, wtf, the internet, rage, stupid, male privilege, relationships.
princecolin wrote in wtf_sexism Dec 24, 2010 12:19
vagina, please be satire, internalized sexism, wtf
7eventeen wrote in wtf_sexism May 20, 2009 15:09
please be satire, stereotypes, games